
Are you ready to fully commit to becoming the Nurtured Heart Approach? This is your opportunity to change lives, including yours. Equip yourself with what it takes to make all your relationships thrive. Even the most difficult ones!

Workshop: 9 hours

Contact me for a Free 20mins Info session to see if we are the right fit.



The Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) 9 hour workshop – Are for those who want to dive deeper into the approach and who thrive from individual support. In this private setting, couples or individuals receive my full attention in striving to narrow the gap of comprehension of the approach. Through different activities, exercises, discussion and examples, clarity is brought to the surface. By way of metaphors, stories and understanding child development, this workshop goes beyond just explaining the approach, it allows the approach to land deep within your heart.

This individual workshop is solution orientated; meaning, there is less time allotted to discussing problems or background stories as this takes away valuable time that is better spent at looking at things in a new way. This workshop truly focuses on shifting your intentions and energy to cultivate the success that you want.

Insurance Receipts Available




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