
Family Life Coach for Challenging Children

For months and years, we have struggled with our oldest son. From meltdowns, to disrespect to throwing things and screaming. We saw Drs and the clsc, but never found a good solution to help us. The pain and sadness was destroying our family.

Then we found Debbie Neumann. I was skeptical at first. We didn’t think someone could help us… someone needed to help him. We needed guidance we needed a different approach.

Debbie has helped me find myself as a mom, my sanity and helped me with my struggles as a parent. She saved my mental health, my marriage and our family.

We still struggle, but have way more successful days. Because I have to admit, being a parent is the hardest thing I ever had to do. I recommend her 150%.

Thank you Debbie

Why A Family Life Coach?

Are you a parent struggling with a challenging child?

Is a child in your care dealing with social-emotional challenges?

Are you an educator with a disruptive challenging student(s)?

Is your family dynamic being compromised?

What I can do for you!

Help you to reach your goals.

Guide you and your family to a better place in life

Bring peace of mind to you and your family

Share the tools and techniques that allow parents, educators and childcare providers navigate any situation.


With all the challenges I faced early on in my life, deep down in my heart I knew there was something better life had to offer. I followed my heart and discovered there was!


With over 25 years of experience, along with my education and The Nurtured Heart Approach, it is with excitement that I offer you the tools and means to overcome challenges so all children and their families reach their full potential and inner peace!


With authenticity, transparency and above all integrity, I promise to ignite your heart so you too can dig deep to see the beauty and positivity in the most spirited children and challenging moments. 

My Approach

The Nurtured Heart Approach®, created by Howard Glasser, is a relationship-focused methodology grounded strategically in The 3 Stands™

It teaches adults how to help children build their Inner Wealth™ and to use their intensity in successful ways. It is a powerful way of awakening the inherent greatness in all children while facilitating parenting and classroom success.

Communication – Its Meaning, Its Power.

The greatest gift we can give a child is their own loving voice…

 and that begins with how adults speak to them.

Your Content Goes Here


Are Insurance receipts provided?2022-09-15T00:40:04+00:00

As a certified Naturotherapist with the L’Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec, I am
authorized to supply insurance receipts.

Do you work with adults with ADHD?2022-09-14T23:13:16+00:00

Yes, I do work with adults that have ADHD. Similar to children, my approach varies according
to personal needs.

What makes your services unique as a Family Life Coach stand out?2022-09-14T23:13:16+00:00

My unique services as a Family Life Coach pinpoints goals, navigates obstacles and offers
strategies. As your personal Family Life Coach, I will share with you the techniques on how to
focus on everyone’s unique strengths, including yours, and manage family challenges, so each
person can make life long changes to reach their full potential.

How do you provide your services?2022-09-14T23:13:16+00:00

My services are provided in-person*, by phone or by video conferencing.
*depending on location

What is a Naturotherapist NA?2022-09-14T23:13:17+00:00

A Naturotherapist uses complementary lifestyle practices which aims to align and bring
equilibrium to the client. They also work with alternative products that work on the premise of removing
obstacles so the client can achieve their true potential.

What make your services (individual and workshops) stand out?2022-09-14T23:13:17+00:00

My services stand out because I adjust my flow and the needs to the capacity of my clients,
bring attention to details, meet my clients where they are and have a distinctive way of bringing
clarity to questions and content.

What type of independent study skills optimization support do you offer students?2022-09-15T00:38:59+00:00

I offer independent study skills optimization support by first pinpointing the child’s
Processing Style, Multiple Intelligence, Values and personal challenges. From there, through 60-
minute Coaching sessions, I share the tools and techniques that will support them in achieving
academic success and reaching independence. It is an insightful journey of self-awareness.

What type of parental support do you offer?2022-09-15T00:37:19+00:00

Parental support is offered through Workshops, 1-on-1 Coaching and learning, or
incorporating Mentoring via Nurtured Heart Approach.

What type of family is ready to work with a Family Life Coach for Challenging Children?2022-09-14T23:13:17+00:00

The family that is ready to work with me is open minded, and ready to do what it takes to
achieve their goals.

My child has challenging behavior, how can you help me?2022-09-14T23:13:18+00:00

I can help by offering support to your family. Depending on your family situation, which can
be discussed through my Free 20minute Info session, support services can either be parental
guidance or student behavioral and study skills optimization.


Insurance Receipts Provided

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